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Taking Stock #001

I've always been bad at planning ahead hence why I had no clue what to do for this post. I've seen other bloggers do the Taking Stock posts so I thought it would be nice to have a life update.

Making: at the moment this post. I'm also in the process of making projects and posts for my other blog (yes that's right, I've completely lost it). Alternative Spaces came about very quickly but is now something that excites me and curbs the longing of being back at uni.

Cooking: I just made Thai Red Curry for dinner. The sauce made my eyes water but I'm excited for it.

Drinking: water.

Reading: I've currently got two books on the go, that's about as much as I can handle. Who's Afraid - Maria Lewis from Hachette NZ & Flawed - Cecelia Ahern from HarperCollins NZ.

Wanting: everything; makeup, clothes, to ditch NZ and go somewhere amazing, a job, a car, freedom.

Looking: for ways to make my life less mundane, stop me spending all day at home.

Playing: mindless games on my phone and computer.

Wishing: that something life changing will happen, something to restart my excitement about everyday life. Also wish Instagram will change back to how it was, it's so frustrating.

Enjoying: being creative with my new venture as well as everyday being chill even though it's kinda boring.

Waiting: for news about an exciting program I applied for. I was put on the waitlist and have to wait even more.

Liking: the new BH Cosmetics Shaaanxo palette I bought, oops. The packaging is pink with gold lettering (my two loves) and the eyeshadows are gorgeous as well.

Wondering: how tomorrow (Tuesday) will go. It's my first day doing some volunteer work at ARTSPACE. I'm both excited to be back in an art environment but also nervous about meeting new people.

Loving: having gone out with friends to a movie on Saturday, makes me feel a little less alone.

Pondering: what I should do future posts about, I'm in a creative slump.

Considering: being a little less lazy and go out more, I loved going to Auckland Museum some weeks ago and want to go back.

Watching: at the moment I'm binge watching Jane the Virgin as well as keeping up with the current seasons of the other shows I watch; The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Once Upon a Time, Outlander.

Marvelling: at the thought that one moment could change everything.

Needing: something to change.

Wearing: a pair of slouchy black pants I got from Target while I was at the Gold Coast & a yellow singlet shirt thing that serves as a 'workout' top.

Following: people who are doing exciting things with their life.

Noticing: how lost I feel without my usual headphones. One ear all of a sudden stopped working and now I'm using a pair that always comes with an Ipod.

Knowing: that everything works out (hopefully)

Thinking: about tomorrow, I need to stop otherwise I get myself into an anxious state which is no good.

Admiring: how serene it is at dusk, I think it's my favourite time of day + I love sunsets.

Sorting: through my thoughts trying to come up with some ideas.

Buying: I had a another little spree on Friday, I got some skincare stuff and a book which was recommended by Britney.

Getting: excited by the small stuff, like dinner tonight.

Bookmarking: my place in the books I'm reading.

Disliking: all the rejection emails concerning jobs, sometimes it just makes me want to give up.

Opening: myself to opportunities, or at least trying (damn you anxiety)

Giggling: at my dogs, they do funny things.

Feeling: meh.

Snaking: on nothing at the moment. Whenever I head to the kitchen all I see is the chocolate taunting me.

Coveting: a marble tray thing that I saw on Shaaanxo's snapchat.

Helping: out around the house, I'm the only one that's home so I do the washing.

Hearing:  the start of the News down the hall, birds  as well as the odd gunshots. I think Duck shooting season has started.

Ashley xx

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